Mete Foundation® & International Mete Monetary System® Joint Venture Fund.
The Mete foundation® Group, with ownership "+ 200 billion Euros" paid-in capital and with initial capital Tier-1 capital 1.3 trillion USD worth US Treasury Assets (Verification) has been established at 29.1.2020 by Mr. Attila ALPEREN, as independent and neutral International Non-profit a monetary system®.
The Mete foundation® does not and will not make any business and transactions with bonds mentioned here.
The Mete foundation®; is founder, owner, manager, and regulator of the Mete Monetary system®.
As we know; all Assets are Liabilities. We also know that all liabilities are actually assets.
Therefore, we take your “liability” as an asset into our “Mete Security House®” and then transform it into “Internationally Standardized Assets” thanks to the US treasury bonds we own. Then we convert your national “Standardized Assets” into international “Digital Currency” called Mete®.
Mete®, issued and given to you in exchange for your assets stored in our “Mete Security House®”, will be transferred to your account via Mete Wallet®.
Thus, you will be able to use it at your country and abroad free of charge, interest-free and tax-free.
After this brief introduction about what we do;
We invite and offer your government and country to become a member of our “Mete Monetary System®” and use Mete® as your national and international currency.
Since we are Mete Foundation®, all our services we provide to all governments and countries are free of charge.
As The Mete foundation® Group and The Alperen® Group, we all have been agreed; Humanity deserves better respect and freedom more than present. And we have been decided to help to let nations regain their independence, with full respect and love to each other. That’s why; we have decided to provide a “Money” with real money features with new concept for provide real independence to every Nations.
After long years public tests and see public reactions, we understood that world need a “Independent useable money” and we decide to provide Mete® to world usage as “Crypto Digital Money”.
The Mete Monetary system® is representing and managed by The Mete Foundation®.
As The Mete Foundation®, wants to support your country and its economy with our loans and donations as our next member nation.
International Mete Monetary System® Joint Venture Fund.
Each country is an equally end-user partner of The International Mete Monetary System® Joint Venture Fund.
Partnership amount is limited donation by Mete Foundation® which is 5 billion Mete®. However, each member country will continue to receive credits and/or donations from Mete Foundation® as described on this website.
Any country wishing to become a partner can receive their partnership fund free of charge by signing the Terms of Use Agreement.
The International Mete Monetary System® Joint Venture Fund Terms of Use will be public on our official website. No privilege or covert practice has been and will not be made in any Member Country.
Please use and enjoy it Mete® which is “your own money”.